Friday, August 31, 2007 Y 2:58 PM FRIDAY!! Its teacher's day and ACEs day. We did our walk from school to northbrooks. On the way some idiotic people tripped my legs and i nearly fell. AND I WAS DAMN ANGRY ... Our celebration was nice. I liked it when there were the performances but not the videos. I liked it the most when rasul, fayyad and amirul were performing. It was so nice ((: ROCK ON! I also like it when the dance club performed ((: I went back to Jiemin. The first thing i did was to shout when i went in ((: MISS TAN : " Esther... i heard you " hahaa!!! I talked to her and Miss Lim for a while. Miss Tan killed whacked me. haha! Qian Yi got more than me ((: I went to look for Mdm Ng and Miss Yang. Mdm Ng is nine months pregnant with a baby boy ((: Congratulations !!! I gave them my cards ... Sorry that it was last minutes work. Warren is cuter now. Ivan's taller. Bin Hao is taller. Everybody is different ((: I really wanna go back to the time when we were all so close and united. I feel short standing beside kevin and ivan. Slacked there for a while then went to Northpoint. Qianyi, Angel, Yiying, Kia Chyi and Kevin went to Northpoint together. haha! Seri says kevin looks hot ... i doubt so. KiaChyi, Kevin, Qianyi and i went to Burger Kings for lunch ((: We were eating super slow ... Kevin's level of patience really increased ((: Good thing. After that we went Northpoint to look for Angel and Yiying. We went to minitoons. KEVIN OWE ME THAT EEYORE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENT ((: haha! We went to take neoprints ... The end result wasn't really that nice. So, i wont be posting it. hahahahahas ((: I was too unatural, kia chyi was unatural... kevin has no eyes. Angel walked me home after that ((: We talked. [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Happy Teacher's Day! Thursday, August 30, 2007 Y 5:44 PM THURSDAY! English was mad. Mrs Zahri told some of my classmates to " cat walk ". It was soooo funny! Yeehui went home after recess as she was super sick. Miss Koh was like so nice to her. I bet she is super happy. I was in a group with Pei Wen lao gong and Shu Yun. We were like playing around with the instruments instead of doing what we are supposed to do. Homecons was super funny! ZHIWEI : " Mrs Quah you hair very nice " MRS QUAH : " Thank you " So 不要脸!!! Homecons test was kinda easy ... haha! Thanks Sharon and Debbie ((: We've got back our mathematics test. I scored 18 upon 25. Freak me!! ahhhhh! I hate this! I think failing my science pratical test. I didn't put the filter paper in the funnel before doing that step. I think i'm so dead. Stayed back and do the art greeting cards. Then went h0me. We took a great big round. So sweeeet ((: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Get well soon my dear YEEHUI! Wednesday, August 29, 2007 Y 8:59 PM Sorry people, i've been super busy lately. Updates for now ((: TUESDAY! We did composition for chinese again. Mdm Tan was absent hence i spent the whole two periods revising for my History. History test was a little difficult but i'm still able to pass. I had sectionals from 3-430pm. I tried to side-read my score which was terrible. haha! Went home after that. TODAY!!! Literature was fine. I'm starting to like literature ((: Alexander was super noisy during this period. I was extremely pissed off ! There was no playing of games due to the rain. haha! I spent half of the period in the toilet and half of the period revising for geography. Mdm Tan's lesson was still as boring as usual! Many people slept ... shall not mention who ((: I practiced my tambourine roll on the table. It helped me pass the forty minutes of boredom. Geography test was difficult as i had not enough preparation. hmms! Sad to say, I've really slackened a lot. I hate my results in my studies. They are horrifying! Alexander was as irretating as usual. Singing stupid songs etc. Taking my bottle and hiding it ! URGHS ! He has a elephant size but a 1 year old mind! We had band today. We had warm ups in the room again. We played new stuffs. I can't even play one. I'm so super useless. I get to use the lighter crash. BUT I STILL CRASHED AS BADLY! I think i've really made Mr Tan furious. Percussion get to solo and i was terrible with my crashing! I'm really sorry for making Mr Tan so disappointed. I'll promise i do well the next time round. I hope i can do it ! While the band was playing beauty and the beast, i did my homework. hahaha! We went home around 630+. I nearly burst .. Yeehui knows why ((: I'll control myself from crying! I'm not a cry baby! The bus driver was freaking idiotic. He scolded KimYeong for something. I know he did wrong but you do not have to shout at him and talk bad about him right ? STUPID bus driver! haha! I think he was just trying to show off and he wanted to keep his job. If you don't understand what i'm trying to say its fine. YEEHUI IS BACK IN ACTION ((: I WANT EAT STRESS RELIEVING PILLS!! TAG REPLIES ((: Filzah : nopes ((: Qianyi : I agree its not exactly out dated. I don't think i'll appreciate it. Its not my type ((: GOODIES ! LOW FAT! I told kevin that we're buying chocolates. He said " ta zhe yang fei le hai mai gei ta" MY GWANNY IS QIANYI and MY GWADDY IS JEROM! Angel : Ms muahahahaha loves Ms buahahahaha! Peiwen : Will tag you when i have the time (: and i've updated ((: Jerom : you are back in action ((: Liting : of course lah!!! Sharon : haha ! I love it too! Qianling : Okies ((: Shinying : Its okay ... I'll tag you back soon! QIURU : YOU ARE A RARE ITEM! Monday, August 27, 2007 Y 6:13 PM Monday! I woke up late and decided to take 857 instead of 811. I saw dar dar and he went to buy his bottle of water which i instructed. So guai ((: During english, Mrs Zahri called out some people to read out their speech. HAHA! I was lucky ((: We wrote our speech and etc for the two periods. Ms Lim did not come today so Mrs Deven took over her period. During RICH lesson, Mdm Tan told us to research on some stuffs. We had to research on Vesak day! PUFFFT! So idiotic right?!?!?!?! Mother Tongue was horrible. haha! We had 听写 on Chapter 20 and 21. I've got all correct [: We stayed back for the postponed SSP. We revised our History. We ate sweets in class today ((: Thanks Sheryl ... That bryan soh wouldn't want share with me his kit-kat ): He owe me one!!! Went to northpoint after that. I SAW ANGEL, QIURU, YIYING, CANDY, AMANDA AND MANPING ((: haha! PEOPLE please tell me if you are going back to Jiemin!! I bought some chocolates for tomorrow ((: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Sunday, August 26, 2007 Y 7:49 PM SUNDAY! I went to church kind of late today. SISTER: " sorry ah... we are late again. " ME: " its okay ... whenever i go out with you and jie jie, we will sure be late " SISTER: " especially with me right? " ME: " xi guan jiu hao. " HAHAHA! I revised my history on the bus. I'm sooo hard working! ((: I was having tummy upset till end of praise and worship. It hurts loads! But i'm fine now ((: Roseline and i were doodling and drawing some childish stuffs. haha! Its about a farm house but there are a lot of no link pictures. I got my youthnet singlet le !! Its prettaye! haha! Some peepo from Malaysia came for the gateway convention thing. We prayed for them. They are going to start a church from scratch with only 6 people. WOAH! They prayed for us too ((: I was talking to Paul in cantonese and he laughed at me! haha! I admitted that it was quite funny. We played a game then waited for lingde and colin. Then we went home. Ate mac nuggets while busing home. PICTURES! Our beautiful artwork ((: My choo-choo((: Roseline's mouse head and my mouse body ((: Our grannys and graddys ((: My silly birds ((: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Saturday, August 25, 2007 Y 10:04 PM CHONG WEI JUN! STOP BEING A POSER. STOP BEING SO IDIOTIC! I'M NOT STUPID ALRIGHTS. YOU THINK THAT I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHECK IP ADDRESSES ? HAHA! YOU ARE SO BLOODY WRONG! NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU POSE, YOU WILL STILL NOT BE HIM! Y 9:26 PM SATURDAY! I was early today ((: YEAH!!! I love to be early but still ... i wasn't the earliest! haha!! craps ! I ran two rounds today only as i had chest pain and couldn't continue on. )): I WANNA RUN!!!haha! We had marching till 0945. My neck nearly broke! It was effing tiring to have our chins up. After that we did our usual warm ups. We changed our location to the room at the back. We played the sixteenth note check patterns instead of singing it. It was kinda difficult as we were used to sing it out. HAHA! Qianling dont feeled stressed ((: You play better than i do ((: ROCK ON BIG BREAST-ED ((: We played beauty and the beast. I helped Kai Sheng with his snare part. I was lost like nobody's business. haha! Marcus and Nadiah helped him at the end. After lunch break we played march wind for winds. It was not as bad as i had expected. Mr Tan : " esther arh... do you know that you are just anyhow crashing?!?" ME: super embarrassed ... i hid behind the crash. haha!!! That was stupid. Mr Tan : " anyway qianling and esther ... you are under the previllage of having mr yio to teach you drumset" I'M DAMN HAPPY ABOUT THIS !! Its so rare that something like this will happen. I LOVEE MR TAN AND MS CHANG! I will cherish this chance and perform well ((: After this we played beauty and the beast again. Sebas was playing the cross word puzzles thing and we were trying to irretate him. He pinched me ... but i moved, so he pinched air instead(: hahaha! It was super funny ... We had fall in, I downed 30 for laughing, 15 for not locking arms, 20 for talking. In total, i did more than hundred. AHAHA! Its okay... Sorry ... if i had upsetted you (: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Friday, August 24, 2007 Y 6:23 PM FRIDAY! I was nearly late again!hahaha! Art was fun... we get to do the two greeting cards. Mother tongue was horrible. I hate that yang meh meh, I didn't talk she ask me to shut up. MDM YANG : " hui en an jing le " Shuyun's first kiss is with me! Don't get jealous eh. We had mathematics test today... It was horrible. I counted that i only had fifteen marks. PUFFFT! After school, Zhiwei did something damn disgusting! He pulled up his shirt in front of me and he was wearing white. He spat saliver from the top floor onto my hand, skirt and shirt! FREAK! IT WAS DISGUSTING! We had percussion ensemble again. I was performing terribly! I can't even play the 1n2n3n thing and obviously was scolded. But it wasn't that bad luh. We had theory lesson and rythm teaching by Sebas. We were pervertic again. The flats, sharps, natural. YUEQIN: double sharp, YEEHUI: sharp, ME: natural, SHUYUN: Flat! haha! Sooo funny. Qianling: " is your house door opened or closed? " ME: " closed. " Qianling: " ding - dong! " ME: " WHAT THE ! " I was ding donged by her.haha! We started talking about big breast and stuff. I was classified under the flat breasted... haha! We're sick in the mind! Sebas was trying to teach us the five circle thing and we all don't understand a single thing. HAHA! We did the majors and minors thing. For the rythm ... it was super duper uber difficult. haha! He did the ena ena thing. I felt like dying. Shaun spoiled a chair. He was pulling pulling pulling and out came that thing. AHAHA! I managed to control my laughters. Went home after that. While walking home, an auntie asked us to help her carry her HEAVY stuffs. I carried one bag and ... carried two. haha! So funny... we were saying that we are so kind. I'M A KIND SOUL! evil laughs* [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Thursday, August 23, 2007 Y 4:09 PM THURSDAY! English was less interesting. We did not do our presentation during project work as we are not ready. PUFFFT! Music was boring. I had no ideas on the fanfare thing! haha! My computer pratically has no sound! We baked rock buns for homecons. I thought i was gonna eat horrible looking cakes again but NO! Our end product was really nice! It is like finally!!! Science was boring boring boring! haha! There was this ring thing, a ball can pass through the ring at normal temperature. But if it is heated, the ball will expand and cannot go through the ring. Figure out what i was thinking ((: Our SSP was postponed to next monday due to our test tomorrow. I wanted to go for sectionals but i did not bring my file. SOOOO ... i went home. I was kinda "harassed" by alex today. He kept doing the pervertic actions and eee! I don't wanna talked about it! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Y 7:41 PM WEDNESDAY! I shall skip the first three periods. P.E. was captain's ball again. Nothing much to say. I only know that my butt hurts. I tried playing the piano with shinying but it sounded all so weird. ((: laughs* We had english report writing test. I think i can't score high. Mathematics, science and geography was boring. haha! I am really pissed off by you. I will never believe whatever you say ever again. ALL your promises are false. Had band today. We played the triplets and sang the sixteenth note check patterns thing. I had to sing alone. I took a real long time to get it right. PUFFFT ! I had no parts for beauty and the beast so i sat there. Practicing my celebration and dance and the check patterns. It was freezing cold in the CDS! .. I was shivering like mad. Michael pumped us for being too noisy. I did forty for him as i still do not know my parts well although i received the score two and a half months earlier. pufft! I suck in band. I KNOW! AND NOW, I'm dying of my homework and project work! OH ~ FREAK ~ I need time but i hadn't got any! GET WELL SOON SHANNON! Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Y 5:05 PM TUESDAY! We had mother tongue compo test today. I wrote 342 words... amazing eh? Geography sucked as usual. We had practical for science. It was quite fun. Except for the part which weijun disturbed me with his irretating voice. AND all the extra sound effects he had. He wanted to spash acid on me. But failed, im kind. I didn't tell the teacher. ((: Miss Lim did not come today. T__________T We've missed another maths lesson. PUFF~ Miss Koh did not come for Life skills lesson! IM SO HAPPY! Had no sectionals today. Qian Ling tricked me. I helped my seniors to move instruments to the foyer. WANSHING helped me ((: Your name is here big big! Aida was talking about sexual intercourse. ahha! She's teaching me science ((: After moving instruments, we went home. I was nearly knocked down by a freaking lorry while we went out. Iris and wanshing screamed then i stop. Just an inch i will be knocked down. Iris pulled my hand wanshing pulled my skirt. Thanks peepo ((: Then we saw a bus, we ran... Then a taxi came and turn in. I didn't know. Wanshing didn't know. We continued running. AHAH! We were nearly knocked down again. WEEE ! It was sooo scary! haha!! I LOVE WANSHING AND IRIS!!! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Monday, August 20, 2007 Y 6:40 PM MONDAY! We did our english compo for the two periods. I realised i owe Mrs Zahri a few pieces of work. haha! We got back our summary test paper. I've got sixteen upon thirty. Nearly failed. Woosh! Mathematics was horrible terrible. Ms Lim was speaking like a bullet train. I don't understand a single word. I'm failing for the graph test. We got back our history test papers. I've got thirty-three upon forty ((: There is nothing to be proud of. Had self-sectionals after school. haha! FUN! I practiced a little on the crash and my arms are aching like mad. So i went to practice my exam piece. Its really nice. BUT i still can't play well. Qianling wants me to side-read and erase all my notes. OH Welll... its for my good. So i should do it! I was kinda sad on the bus. BUT everything is over. haha! Bought waffle home to eat and i'm not eating rice for dinner ((: I'm so happy about this! The tears i laid, are for nothing. [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Sunday, August 19, 2007 Y 7:44 PM SUNDAY! My arms hurt. Please try not to hit my arms in school. This will be greatly appreciated! I ate instant noodles and eggs for breakfast. I helped my sister cook her share too. Smiles ... I'm kind ((: Although we went out early, we still ended up nearly late. Our church is now 21 years old! Wooohooos! There were balloons every where. So pretty. RED,YELLOW,WHITE ((: I played with Roseline's phone during the whole sermon. Pastor Khong is really boring. Service ended late today. After service we celebrated some guy's birthday. For group leader for the previous camp. I don't know how to spell his name. Ariel, Roseline and i took the balloon sticks and started hitting peepo. Poor Colin of course got hit. haha! His was much harder than the rest. ME: " Lingde, Wanru... Colin didn't cut his fringe" LINGDE: " oh... i forgot" turns to him and scold. ME: laughs!!! real hard. I'm evil... i know. COLIN: " si esther" ME: whacks! hahas. Thats how i started hitting him ((: I ate hotdog bun today as i didn't eat lunch. And i was nagged at by dear wanru again ): WANRU: " you better eat your lunch i tell you" ME: " my sister also never eat, why didn't you scold her ? she must set a good example for me to follow" WANRU: " she's over the growing period. you should still eat your food if she doesn't" ME : sighs. Roseline and Ariel went bullying Wanru after that. hahaha! It sure was funny. At the end, I was also tickled. We were kinda dirty minded today, talking about Roseline's and Wanru's breast. haha! Went home after that. I took some photos in the MRT. There was an uncle who press the button for the bus door to open. We were like... what the hell. When the bus driver came back, he was so damn angry and slammed the door close. Ouh-oh! I was kinda lame in the bus, i asked : " do guys drive when they are top naked ? " Pearlyn looks out to the car beside the bus. ME : " hey .. your pervertic. " Both of us started laughing and arguing. I won! There was a crazy car on the road. It went turning into the wrong lane. AND the driver drove the car in a zig zag manner. It nearly collide with the bus. It was very scary... Just a few more inches i will be so dead. I think that guy is drunk. BUT I'M STILL ALIVE! This post is random. [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Saturday, August 18, 2007 Y 5:50 PM SATURDAY! I went out late today, sorry for waiting for me. We had morning run today, three rounds ((: I didn't stop when i'm not supposed to. I'm getting better. My stomach went bonkers after that. We marched for two hours. Traditional for half and hour or so. We practiced more on our American marching. I did NINETY pumpings in all today. All for not locking arms. haha! BUT i did locked eh... is just that they are too rough. Mr Tan didn't come today. )): We had sectionals ... PERCUSSION, WOODWINDS, BRASSES. We practiced for first suite and beauty and the beast. I'm playing crash cymbals for first suite. I LOVEEE IT! Self-encouragement. haha! I was chased out of the CDS as it was very noisy. I have one bruise and two blisters because i played the crash cymbals. They are real heavy luh.. I must train up in order to play well. We had the sing-a-longs for the sixteenth beat thing. I need to sing the ena 2n again for sebas next week as i didnt get it correct. T___T Me alone. We celebrated Qianling's birthday today. I didn't stay for the major cake but i celebrated as a section... Went to buddy hoagles for brownie as i'm hungry. NICE! haha! I loveeeeeeee you ((: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Friday, August 17, 2007 Y 6:14 PM FRIDAY! Had art for the first two periods. It was fun creating those greeting cards but i kinda ran out of ideas. After that was mother tongue. Mdm Yang was supposed not to come but she came. haha! We had P.E in class today. We cant go and play as it was raining and there are PSLE orals and our own exams. Alexander got into some trouble with Mr Sim. We had english lesson in the computer lab. hahas! I'm not gonna find about northern lights. Its a bore! I have more interest researching buildings. Had percussion ensemble with Sebas today. I went up and down to take instruments and stuff. It was sleigh bells got wet. He was late... haha! He was in so very good mood. haha! He kept saying lame stuffs. Percussion and brasses had theory lesson. Sebas: " esther... whats your answer?" ME: "G" Sebas:" sure?" asked other peepo. Sebas:" esther... whats your answer?" ME: " B flat." Sebas:" really?" Aida:" its A sharp." ME:" B flat" A sharp = B flat .. -___________-" I was kinda mixed up with sharps and flats. But i still got the answer right. Went home about 4+ ... I am sad because you are. Cheer up. TO C----W--J-- : I seriously hate you to core. Why must you go and spread so many things?Is your mouth really that big? I just don't understand. You make me feel as if you are insane. I really tried to tolerate you. I thought you would change but you didn't. You starting doing stupid things worse than before. It may just be a joke to you. But have you ever thought of how many you will hurt. If you want to see a happy ending. There will be of course. But not what you had expected. I will not let what you want come true.Its the bond you can't break. I hope you understand what i mean. I AM SADDDDDDDD ! Thursday, August 16, 2007 Y 6:31 PM THURSDAY! I wanted to go to school early but i overslept and i missed a bus. ((: English was niceee ((: Luckily Mr Chua gave us one more week of grace period. If not, we all will have died. Some teacher came in and taught us how to do the presentations. This is really a great help! We went to the computer lab for music lesson. I loveeee it. We had homecons next. We baked pizzas! My pizza was so beautiful but after it was cut up into pieces. The whole thing went horrible terrible. It tasted nice anyway. I'm afraid of the practical test. I don't dare to take things out from the oven. haha!Typical. I went for a twenty minutes sectional.People were like drinking milk etc. I had to sing out the rythms to michael. So paiseh. If i don't get all correct in front of sebas. I will kena pump. hahas! Had SSP again but this time is in the art room. At least now we can sit where we like and is able to talk. That idiotic Miss Koh said that the last row of girls were extremely noisy. Refering to us. Then she added on: " when i scold you, you give me attitude faces." I didn't alrights. She's an idiot! I HATE HER! ahhh! She asked manhua,yanning,yanjun and chin kiong into the staffroom and talked to them. I wanna know what is going on! Went back home around 5+ after talking to Ms Chang ((: I heard the seniors play the drumset. So nice! lalalas. Shall not carry on any further. [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 Y 7:20 PM WEDNESDAY! Literature was nice (((((: We got back both our literature and mother tongue tests. I did not fail both but i'm unsatisfied with my mother tongue luh. Its normal. Orang utan owe me 5 slaps ((: We played captain's ball during P.E. I was totally moodless ... i bet you guys didnt notice. While i was holding the ball, many peepo was surrounding me. Then some extra went to beat the ball when i hugged it. It is painful alrights! Mrs Zahri didn't come in for lesson today. T_______________________T I ate nothing for lunch due to the same reasons. haha! Don't worry about me my dearYEEHUI, i'll be fine. Went for band, i paid my band fund and went to move the instruments. haha! I carried a timpani down the stairs. I got new bruises, well congratulations (: Two timpani wheels are spoilt, I am very very upset about this. I helped to push xylo and stuffs. We set up our instruments in the CDS! I ran up and down from band room to CDS ... I can die. After the warm ups, michael told us to run and who is after him must down. Obviously i downed... i didn't have energy to run anymore. I did 20 pumpings (: I had sectionals for Celebration and Dance. I was scolded by Michael. I know he is trying hard to teach me. How i wish i have a better brain. haish! PICTURES I don't know what am i thinking of. Esther,Shuyun and YeeHui. I'm a retard. I know it. That bloody chicken feet! nice view eh? I love the sea ((: ME! Tuesday, August 14, 2007 Y 4:33 PM TUESDAY! Mother Tongue sucked. We are having oral in the afternoon. YET that idiotic teacher called us to do our compo. I'm pissssssssssssed! Geography is boringgg ): English was nice. YEAH! I love english very very much. Mrs Zahri called my register number 11! and asked me to answer her question. haha!I don't even know what she asked me and obviously i didn't answer her (: Then when she asked another question which she didn't call for me, I answered correctly!haha! Make up for the previous question. History was next. The intervals was stressing.haha! History was superb. haha! Shan't tell you why ((: I'm just happy! Maths sucked. The xin li bian tai guy is so freaking scary! We had assembly next. It sucked a whole lot. haha! Zhiwei was funny! Went for a short break, then went up for oral. I didn't eat my lunch as i totally have no appetite once again. I bought 50cents wages and guess what? I threw away half of it. Think of the bright side, i'm losing weight. Oral sucked. The reading passage was freaking easy. BUT i think i lose my whole total 30 marks on the conversation. I'm gonna flunk. I'm extreme upset. I wanna cry seriously drop tears. I waited with zhi wei for shuyun and yeehui. Both of us talked a lot. Some stuff happened in class today. The xin li bian tai guy was eavsdropping. For god's sake, some crazy idiots are at my house. Singing and shouting with the tuner. haha! Monday, August 13, 2007 Y 5:19 PM MONDAY! Some stuffs happened for the whole day. HMMS ! Shan't say it. haha! I went to school early today ((: Finally eh? English was fun. We learnt about Egypt and stuff. BUT Alex and Bryan were super noisy! haha! The perverted version of elmo. Maths was normal. History was fine. RICH was normal. We had group work and stuff. I was slapped ): Mother Tongue ... Mdm Yang didn't come again and tomorrow is our oral test. We are so dead and i'm so gonna fail. haha! I spent the whole period talking to Yeehui... hahas! I begged Yeehui to wait for me and go home together after my sectional. I was pleasing her like mad! It is my first time doing such idiotic things! My paitence sure has limits ((: Then we talked secrets.haha! Science was boring as usual and for no reason i had tummy upset. haha! I think its because i didnt eat for recess. Went for lunch before going sectional. I didn't eat anything as i don't feel like it. haha!I'm so gonna get gastric problems soon @.@ Went for sectionals. We sang out the rythms for the sixteenth note check patterns. It was kind of fun. We laughed a lot! Qianling was like 1ena real soft then 2 very loud. Her 2 was toot! hahas! So funny! Went home after that with YEEHUI,SHUYUN,YUEQIN and ZHIWEI. THANKS PEEPS FOR WAITING FOR ME. YOU ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. (((: [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Happy Birthday Ming Chun! Happy Birthday Colin Chua! (((: God bless you guys. Sunday, August 12, 2007 Y 9:06 PM SUNDAY! Band performed at the Khatib there.haha! I wasn't there to support. AND luckily i wasn't there. I was nearly late again. I can really count myself fortunate not to be locked out this time round. I sort of walked fast and run to church and my blisters hurt a lot! I was so high at church!!haha! After service we celebrated MINGCHUN's and COLIN's birthday. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ((: We smashed cake on their face. I borrowed jacket from Colin, then i accidentally dirtied it. BUT i helped him cleaned it and apologised. Both of them got cake smashed on their face.haha! We had cell and waited for the guys to finish theirs. We went to changi airport and ate popeyes. haha! Colin the sad case. He was nagged at because of his hair. Sorry ... haha! Weilun was like saying : " i don't need to buy food you know." ME: " hahaha! we gave you a lot of food." After a while we went home ((: Pearlyn and i bused home and were chatting happily. I went home alone ... it was kinda freaky! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Saturday, August 11, 2007 Y 6:05 PM Saturday! We had band today (((: We ran four rounds and i managed not to die((: We did american marching. We learnt how to turn etc. IT WAS A TOTAL EMBARRASSMENT!!!! We went to set up the hall. We had nothing to do so we played hang man. Then we started talking about pornography. haha! We played celebration and dance before going off for lunch break. EEE! Mr Tan was like asking me to play alone. Another embarrassing thing! Once again i didn't play the timpani solo. What a failure. ahahahaha! I kept dropping stuffs during lunch break. The spoon,fishball and fishcake. haha! Some idiotic mushroom appeared out of no where. AND it definitely spoiled my appetite. I played bass drum for the handler thing. Just trying out. It is so fun!!! haha! All the crochets and stuff. (((((((: Miss Chang, one of my alumnis and i was chatting happily. NICE~ I get to know a lot of stuff. I helped Miss Chang to stick the stickers. haha!Some secrets. Thanks loads! I stayed back as sebas wanted to hear the percussion ensemble. THEN he said he only wants the mallet parts. Waste of my time! Went home after keeping the instruments. SO FUN! There was half of a dragonfly wing in the bandroom and a dead butterfly at the foyer. haha!The butterfly was sure prettty! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Friday, August 10, 2007 Y 3:09 PM I'm back in action ((: WEDNESDAY! I reached school kind of early. Michael asked me to find his file for him. Ran up and down but i still can't manage to find luh. Sorry eh. We had sing-a-long. It was fun! hahas! Sing-a-longs are always fun ((: We watched the teachers play against the students. It was effing boring. Qianyi came to my house and we slacked. haha! THURSDAY! HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE! The NDP was boring. Except for the nice car that drove in. Samuel mentioned that Colin,Gary and Yilong and somebody was involved. I tried to spot them but couldn't.haha! ME: " Why are all the people so skinny?" MUM:" Of course. If not the person will be out of line and it will not be so neat already." ME:" Got this kind of thing de meh?" ME:" Yilong can enter ah ?" Samuel:" Everybody must be average. We were quite worried that yilong can't pass the height." ME:" hahaha! Thats what i'm thinking of " heh. I'm evil. We had a feast of KFC and ice cream. I'm sure that i'm growing fat! QIANYI: YOU MUST BE SO GLAD(: TODAY! I woke up at 1100. Finished all my homework etc. haha!I'm bored! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Monday, August 6, 2007 Y 4:33 PM MONDAY! Start of the week. We had hair check. I passed ((: We went to the computer lab for our english lesson. BOTAK,SHIHUI,BENJAMIN AND I are in one group doing the northern lights. Its super boring luh... botak is scolded and then left shihui,benjamin and i doing the project. Then both of them only know how to smile dont know how to talk. I'm bored stiff! History test was managable ((: Mdm Yang didn't come but Miss Koh was taking the free period. Can't play but anyway i revised for my lit test. Literature test sucked a whole lot! I wrote seven lines for my essay question only. I think i'm gonna fail... i'm gonna fail. Its okay! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: HAPPY BIRTHDAY QIANYI! ROCK ON! Sunday, August 5, 2007 Y 7:18 PM SUNDAY! I skipped church and went to my gwanny's mini birthday party. QIANYI,QIURU,KARWUAI,KIACHYI AND I were there. KARWUAI MY DEARIE SISTER! HAHA! I was supposed to meet qianyi and buy stuffs but im late. haha! I was busy sewing her present. It took up a lot of my time! I rushed down to meet her. We went to buy her cake and other stuffs as well as my stuff. Qiuru went to buy the flour. We kept it a big surprise!haha! We played water bomb first as we were not so hungry. Before playing, peepo already starting to get wet but i didn't ((: QIURU AND I went down later than them as we were preparing the flour! When we went down we started throwing the water bombs and some flour. We wanted to aim at qianyi but in the end kar wuai got most of it. While cleaning up, some idiotic freak threw an egg at qianyi and karwuai. BUT obviously missed! Just by a little though. Then we went up to cook our food while we take turns to bathe. It tasted nice((: But we wasted some as we were full. We played poker and "true or dare". I won for the first three rounds((: All of us dared when playing " true or dare". It was kind of childish and foolish. We were asked to tell some peepo i love you. I told warren. haha! Its okay...i love him loads as he is my best brother. We cut the cake next. NICE MANGO CAKE! Qianyi got her birthday kiss from all of us including kar wuai. hey! You gained boy! We gave qianyi the presents and she was really touched((: We went downstairs to play a little while then went back home. On the way back kar wuai was like " you want your birthday kiss?" ME:" no thanks" haha! So funny. He is addicted to kisses. ((: I indeed had a fun time today!Its a nice gathering! PICTURES! Me,Qianyi and Kiachyi We are her darlings. I tried to look short. Poor Karwuai After cut cake. Her birthday kiss. Girls only Its me and her. Its me and her again. My birthday kiss from qiuru which she owed me. Mine. Both of us another time [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Saturday, August 4, 2007 Y 8:04 PM Saturday! We went to the whatever park. It was so super fun! We get to go into the sandy waters and i got to touch snails,plants etc. We were playing and fooling around. hahas! We took many pictures too. We went for band after lunch break. It was quite boring, i didn't get to play any instruments. AND i recieved a new score and i gotta play the CRASH CYMBAL. The notes are kind of easy but the crash is heavy. haha!I will survive. I am making a present for qianyi and is due tomorrow. I wonder if i can make it a not. haha! You are so blessed my dear. All my first time give you le. PLEASE BE CLEAN, THINK RIGHT! [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: Thursday, August 2, 2007 Y 6:22 PM THURSDAY! =DDDDDDDDDD English was fun. We learned about travelling. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((: Project work and music was nice. Maths and science sucked. JiaJian was laughing and suddenly, his nose bleed and blood was everywhere on his books and table. MY GOD, IT WAS A GROSS SIGHT! He didn't dare laugh anymore as he was afraid he will bleed again. We had SSP in the afternoon. We had a good time laughing! All thanks to alexander. We were let off at 1630 as we were all well behaved ((: YEAH! I'm still doing my art homework. I seriously need inspiration! YEEHUI DON'T YOU DARE DINGDONG ME. I'LL DING DONG YOU BACK EVEN MORE! To that sucky councillor: PLEASE DO NOT GIVE YOUR SUCKY ATTITUDED FACE TO PEEPO. IT MAKES YOU LOOK DISGUSTING AND PROUD. ACTUALLY YOU HAVE BEEN EXTREME PROUD SINCE YOU BECAME A COUNCILLOR.YOU SUCK! Wednesday, August 1, 2007 Y 8:38 PM WEDNESDAY! Miss Fara didn't come today, so we had no literature. Advantages: For those who didn't do their homework will stay away from the scoldings. We get to play during our free periods ((: Disadvantage: Our test is next monday and we didn't have any revision. Mr Sim didn't turn up today too. T________________________________________T English summary test was horrible. I wrote more than 100words, i think i'm gonna flunk. Geography sucked. I hate that damn teacher. He will talk softly and suddenly shouts. Isn't this idiotic!?!? Nevermind. That stupid JiaJian was extreme idiotic with his stupid joke. URGHS! I sort of revenged but failed ): I was slapped real hard by botak and bryan. DAMN PAIN can!?! I haven't forgive them for this. TO BRYAN : stop taking your bookstrap and tie it around my neck! Although its i didn't show that its painful but it hurts! We had band after school. The secondary ones had to sectional with themselves again. We were scolded by peck joon luh.WHATEVER!He always scolds us like nobody's business. I improved on my celebration and dance a little. BUT i was still lost at the ending part. My solo is like totally terrible despite Mr Tan saying the 1n2n3n4n out! I didn't fall in with the band so i gotta do that marching thing. I don't even know how to do luh. It was so embarrassing. hahas! Luckily michael wasn't that strict and let me off. ((: We sang songs for the july babies and kaisheng. Fayyad and Michael were carrying him! HAHA! God bless that he didn't die of heart attack. Went home around 1900. [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[: |
T.H.E ESTHER, 慧恩 090394 Nine is my favourite number. Friendly, cheerful and noisy. Dislikes half-heartedness I love to read! Living my life happily like always A smile brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble :D Click here if you want to leave. BYE BYE. Aida Ajita Amanda Y. Amanda K. Angel Ariel Ashley Azurah Benny Cindy Colin Derrick Donovan Douglas Eileen Fang Ying Fayyad Fatiha Filzah Hafiz He Yu Hui Jia Ivan Jacqueline Jasmine Jarrel Jeannes Jefferson Jerom Jing Yi! :) June Kar Wuai Li Ting Man Hua Man Ping Mei Qi Ming Chun Min Qi Nadia Nadiah :) Nadirah Nadzirah Novell OP Wind Orchestra Pearlyn S. :) Pei Wen Praise Qian Ling (: Qian Yi Rosemary Rui Ting Sandy Seri Sharon Sheryl Shin Ying :D Shu Yun TWO-A-ONE Vinesha Vivian C. Vivian S. Wai Ni Wan Shen Wan Shing Wei Jun Woan Ting Xin Ci Yann Yun Yan Jun Yee Hui :D Yi Ying Yue Qin :) Zailiyah Zhi Wei Zoelyn into the past March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |